
Hi, My name is Xianggui Dong, I study population genomics to decipher the genetics of complex traits in farm animals. My research interests focus on population genetics and evolutionary genetics in domestic animals.
I obtained my Ph.D. in molecular quantitative genetics from the institute of Animal Science and Technology, China Agricultural University in 2019, under the supervision of Prof. Changxin Wu and Prof. Xuemei Deng.
My main work in my PhD study was about resolving the genetic mechanisms of qualitative traits related to pigmentation and studying phenotypic evolution of egg colors in domestic chickens using genomic data.
The ultimate goal of my research is to identify the causal genes or mutations affecting a certain trait and understand the regulation of the genetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic variation, which can be applied to the current breeding efforts to develop improved domestic breeds for economic traits in the future.
My publications
I like poetry, history, basketball, and I am good at photograph and cooking. In the homepage, I will paste pipelines on genomic analyses and some essays on life.

Contact: xgdong@cau.edu.cn

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